Attitude – A Rant. You’ve been warned.

Just a bunch of cry babies!

Every now and then a girl just has to get things off her chest.  Some cry about it, some scream about it.  I’m gonna blog about it.

I honestly think that the biggest problem that plagues society today is people and their bad attitudes.  Some people honestly wouldn’t know a positive comment if someone came along and hit them over the head with one.  I know I wrote in one of my previous blog entries that there are some people that you just can’t please, and you just have to move on and not let them bother you.

Well heck.  Today, they are bothering me!  Some people are just so negative, so sour, so argumentative and confrontational, it makes me want to dump a bucket of ice water on their heads.  They are nasty, nasty NASTY!

PEOPLE!  Lighten up a bit!  I know that sometimes life isn’t fair.  Sometimes people mistreat you, sometimes the crap just keeps piling up.  But having a bad attitude about the whole thing, dropping f-bombs left, right and center may make you feel better about things, but trust me, it’s driving everyone else around you CRAZY!

Your negative attitude is only bringing down the people around you.  It’s not doing you any good.  You may think that it feels good to complain about things and make your beefs known.  All you are doing is feeding into your own anger and keeping it alive.  Just think.  Just think of how much better your life could be if whenever something happens that normally would send you into orbit, you just said “Nope.  I’m not going to let it get the better of me.  I’m not going to let something that is out of my control get me down in the dumps.”  I know that every now and then it does get so bad that you have to let it out.  That’s what I’m doing right now.  Normally I can turn the other cheek and ignore the negativity.  Today, it just annoyed me to the point where I have to let it out.  That happens.  But it’s almost like the boy who cried wolf.  If all people hear from you is complaining, it quickly becomes white noise and has no meaning.  If you are generally a positive person and don’t complain much, looking at life like it is a bowl of cherries and spitting the pits out and forgetting about them – then when you do have a complaint to make, and it’s made in the right way – people are much more likely to listen and do something to help you.

So buck up Buttercup!  Smile a bit.  Don’t let things get to you and worry you so much.  Your friends will thank you, your family will thank you, your co-workers will thank you.  Your doctor will thank you too – you’ll live longer!



2 Replies to “Attitude – A Rant. You’ve been warned.”

  1. Attitude is everything 🙂

    I had the same problem with a lot of people, and found a solution from a book called ‘the no complaining rule’ by Jon Gordon. what I did was go around to everyone telling them I just read the book and put a no complaining rule into my life. I told them I now understood how no one likes to here complaints, and so I was going to do my best to not complain anymore, and I wanted them to let me know if I did.

    by doing this you are basically telling them that complaining is bad, but taking bad aspect on yourself so they don’t get defensive. you can never convince someone they are doing something wrong themselves, but if you make yourself out to be the bad person (even if you don’t complain yourself) they are more likely to listen. the attitudes of people around me has gotten so much better.. and couple people actually borrowed the book off me 🙂

    just remember what Dale Carnegie said “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”

    good luck!

    1. Not a bad idea. It’s true that we can’t change other people, as much as we’d like to sometimes.
      Hopefully if we keep our own attitudes good, it will start to rub off on others. Here’s hoping! 🙂

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